Technology has been transforming different important aspects of society and schools are also one of them. With the advent of the internet and better communication technology, schools have also shifted over to a faster and more connected virtual presence format. Hence, school websites have become a common phenomenon. These websites are downright necessary for the daily operations of the school as well as the marketing and promotion practices. It is almost its virtual face in the world of the internet. However, as such a key element for a school, here are some of the things that must be included in School websites.
School calendar
This is one of the foremost things to have on school websites. It will not only help the students in maintaining their schedules but also will give the other visitors a shrewd idea of when to visit physically and when not. School calendar will also be prospective evidence of the punctuality effectiveness in terms of holiday and leaves etc.
Operational requirements
Such a website should be well equipped with features that make the daily operations easy and connected.
It should bring the online form filling and admission feature in prominence, have online attendance records, performance matrix, and index calculation, information about career programs, policies, rules, regulations, etc. Most importantly, it should have a separate student and employee login point wherein they get the required information in one click like curriculum, news, syllabus and its status, incoming tests, and other things that keep them vigilant.
FAQs section
In today’s time, the presence of an FAQ section is really important as it opens the gateway of direct communication and query resolving. With so many options available for schools and institutions lack of query resolving measures and continuance of doubts can kill the business. Therefore, an FAQ section should be prepared with all the required details.